David Zorger
President, CEO & Co-Founder

David is the President, CEO, and co-founder of PSG. He brings vision to the company, and creates an energetic and collaborative team. PSG has grown steadily under David’s leadership.
During David’s profession, he has provided services for over 20 million square feet of numerous types of highly complex facilities including mission critical, research, auditoria and cafeterias, offices and laboratories. He began his career after earning a business degree at George Mason University, and studying Electrical Engineering & Construction Law at Virginia Tech.
Passion and determination describe David’s approach to delivering solution-based, integrated project management services centered on quality and consistency. His drive in developing the best technical solutions to outmoded ideas and challenging the status quo has earned him respect amongst his peers in the industry.
David’s motto is, “PSG is dedicated to being a company that is easy to do business with. Our clients’ success is our success.”